1.Install pipe to fireplace collar adapter located on back of unit at a 45 deg. Angle. Connect our starting pipe to a 45 deg. Starting section by sliding it over the collar adapter on the fireplace.
2.Once the elbow is properly fastened to the fireplace adapter, continue to install the remainder of the pipe for the desired installation.
3.Install every section of the pipe making sure that all joints are properly
4.After steps 1, 2 and 3 are completed, install the vent termination. Depending on location of termination, you may use a vertical or horizontal termination.
5.Depending on the wall thickness, allow one inch to protrude from internal wall as shown in figure 6.
6.For vertical venting application, install vertical flue restrictor into inner collar of fireplace as shown in figure 5.
7.An optional siding standoff may be installed between the vent cap exterior wall. Secure horizontal top to standoff and then secure the complete assembly to wall (see figure 6). The vent termination must be removable for service pipe inspection.
The vent system serves as the “chimney” as well as the combustion air supply (air intake). The horizontal run must have a rise of ¼” (6 mm) for every 1 foot (305 mm) of horizontal run towards the termination. Never allow the vent to run downward. The maximum horizontal run depends on the vertical rise from fireplace adapter collar to the vent termination (see table below).
ft | mm |
| ft | mm |
0 |
| to | 1' | 305 |
1 | 305 | to | 4 | 1219 |
2 | 610 | to | 8 | 2438 |
3 | 914 | to | 12 | 3658 |
4 | 1219 | to | 16 | 4877 |
5 | 1524 | to | 15 | 4572 |
6 | 1829 | to | 14 | 4267 |
7 | 2134 | to | 13 | 3962 |
8 | 2438 | to | 12 | 3658 |
WARNING: Vent pipe air space clearances to combustibles are 1” on all sides except on the horizontal sections, which require 2” clearances from the top of the pipe. Where the termination cap penetrates a combustible wall, 1” air space clearance is required.
When installing length of pipe over 3 ft. (914 mm) horizontally, support the pipe every 3 ft. (914 mm) using metal straps. Vertical to horizontal pipe must be kept at a one foot (305 mm) to 4 ft. (1219 mm) ratio with a maximum run of no more than 20 ft.
If an offset is necessary in the attic to avoid obstruction, it is important to support the vent pipe every 3 ft. (914 mm), to avoid excessive stress on the elbows and possible separation see figure 7).
| Figure 7 | OFFSET ELBOW | |
For more information, visit www.desatech.com |