ATI O pti ons Tab

The ATI Options tab provides detailed driver

information and access to the card’s specifications.

You can also enable or disable the ATI taskbar icon.

ATI Op tion s Tab
Version Information Provides the Catalyst version number, 2D version
number and the driver build information.
Details button Provides access to the Details tab which lists the
card’s hardware details and driver information.
Reactivate all
warning messages
This allows you to reactivate any disabled
graphics warning messages.
Enable ATI taskbar
icon application
Unchecking this allows you to disable the ATI
taskbar applications and removes the ATI icon
from your system tray.
Show ATI icon on
Unchecking this allows you to remove the ATI icon
from your system tray without disabling the ATI
icon applications.
Disable quick
resolution feature
Quick resolution feature is accessible by left-
clicking the ATI icon in the system tray. Checking
this option disables the feature.