In this window you may enable the digital inputs, the relevant messages associated to it and the relevant management in case of main power supply lack.
Input1 Mode and Input2 Mode: activation and deactivation of the two digital inputs.
Disabled | Disabled input. Any change of status on the input will not be |
| handled by the camera. |
Rising Edge | Enabled input. The Vega Wireless Camera will start |
| managing the alarm event as soon as the input turns from the |
| falling to the rising edge. |
Falling Edge | Enabled input. The Vega Wireless Camera will start |
| managing the alarm event as soon as the input turns from the |
| rising to the falling edge. |
Alarm Message1 and Alarm Message2: defines the text associated to the input 1 and the input 2. The text can be maximum 30 characters long.
Sms Main Power On: enables the sending of a SMS message (with the Vega Wireless Camera GPRS) each time the camera is turned on or the power supply is
Main Power On Message: defines the text of the message sent if the Sms Main Power On item is enabled. The text can be maximum 30 characters long. The default message is PWR ON.