In this window you may associate a function of the Vega Wireless Camera GPRS to a phone call. After selecting the phone call association option according to your needs, you may call the phone number of the SIM card in the Vega Wireless Camera GPRS from your mobile phone, as if you were calling an ordinary mobile phone number.
When you get a phone call, the camera detects the incoming phone number by comparing it to the phone numbers inserted in the Cli Enabled configuration window. If the user is enabled, the Vega Wireless Camera GPRS performs the enabled function.
Specifically, the camera will deny the phone call without answering and with no costs: in such cases you will normally see a busy line message on your mobile’s display. The camera will then send a SMS message or call you in order to confirm the performing of the requested operation.
CallBack: in this field you define the function you wish to associate to a phone call.
Disabled | No function associated to a phone call. |
Alarm Simulation The phone call is associated to an alarm simulation.
Each time you wish to save the images according to the Frame before and Frame after settings inserted during the configuration process, you will only need to call the Vega Wireless Camera GPRS phone number from your mobile phone. The camera reads the incoming phone number and compares it to the phone numbers in the Cli Enabled configuration page. If the user is enabled, then Vega Wireless Camera denies the call and immediately manages an alarm event, as if the alarm had been detected on one of the digital inputs.