DP564 Multichannel Audio Decoder Menus
Detection offers two options: Normal and Silent Switch. In Normal
mode, an input that switches from PCM to Dolby Digital (if, for example, the
complete bitstream information carried in a Dolby Digital signal is interrupted for
some reason) may produce a short burst of noise at the transition point. Silent
Switch eliminates that noise in most (but not all) instances; however, it adds latency
to the PCM processing time. Normal is appropriate for most circumstances, but if
you are monitoring a signal you know to have this problem, Silent Switch can
Stream Select
Stream Select offers Automatic selection, which accepts the lowest number
Dolby Digital bitstream; or you can specify a Dolby Digital bitstream, (0-7) to be
decoded when the input stream contains multiple Dolby Digital streams multiplexed
together. In professional modes, bitstream number 7 is reserved for timecode.
AES3 Channel Select
AES3 Ch Sel offers four options: Automatic, Channel 1, Channel 2, and
Channel 1+2. Dolby Digital is carried in one of two ways on an AES or S/PDIF
• In 16-bit mode, it is packed into either the left or right channel of the pair of
• In 32-bit mode, it takes both channels of the pair.
Selecting Channel 1 or Channel 2 specifies that channel to be the accepted
input. Selecting Channel 1+2 requires a 32-bit input stream. When you select
Auto, the DP564 locks onto the first signal it recognizes. If there are two 16-bit
streams in a pair, Auto locks to the stream on Channel 1. Auto saves time, and is
therefore recommended unless you know you have 16-bit signals on each channel of
the pair, in which case you should specify which signal you want to process.
4.4.2 Monitor Control The Monitor Control menu includes these parameter adjustment menus:
• Pro Logic
• Surround EX
• Extnd Bitstrm
• Dolby H Mode
• Pro Logic II
• Karaoke