ATTENTION : Lisez et respectez toutes les consignes de sécurité et toutes les mises en garde dans le manuel de l'enceinte EAW avant d'utilisr ce produit. Le
ATTENZIONE: Prima di procedere con l'utilizzo del prodotto, è necessario leggere e rispettar ogni avvertenza e norma di sicurezza riportata nel "Manuale EAW Loudspeaker" fornito in dotazione. Il mancato rispetto di ogni precauzione può causare danni all'apparecchiatura, nonché infortuni alle persone o la morte.
PRECAUCION: Lea yobserve todos los avisos e instrucciones de seguridad que aparecen en el "Manual de altavoces EAW" adjunto antes de usar este aparato. El no observar esta precaución puede dar lugar a averías en el aparato, daños en las personas o incluso la muerte.
WARNUNG: Lesen und beachten Sie alle Warnungen und Sicherheitshinweise in der mitgelieferten "EAW Lautsprecher Bedienungsanleitung" bevor Sie das Produkt benutzen. Nichtbeachtung dieser Hinweise können möglicherweise zu Schäden am quipment oder zu Verletzungen bzw. zum Tod von Personen führen.
5 . 1 . 1 M o u n t i n g P o i n t Wo r k i n g L o a d L i m i t s
Enclosure Oriented Horizontally: NT's integral mounting points and fly tracks are designed to support only the weight of their own loudspeaker with suitable, external hardware. This means that each NT loudspeaker must be supported independently of any other NT loudspeaker and any other loads.
Enclosure Oriented Vertically: NT's integral mounting points and fly tracks are designed to support two loudspeakers with suitable, external hardware. This means that each NT loudspeaker can be supported from the
5 . 2 | A p p l i c a t i o n C o n f i g u r a t i o n s |
5 . 2 . 1 | F u l l - R a n g e L o u d s p e a k e r |
The NT loudspeaker is intended for use in several mounting configurations:
Placement in typical loudspeaker locations, such as on the floor, a stage, a subwoofer stack,
or other stable, solid platform.