For security reasons the Multiplexer must be directly connected to a terminal to access the MAINTENANCE MENU.
Login to the unit as CMGR at the initial prompt. All access passwords will apply as usual. On login a $$ prompt will appear. Type UPGRADE MENU <return>. The prompt ARE YOU SURE? will appear. Type YES <return> and the MAINTENANCE MENU will appear.
A new version of the Router firmware may be downloaded to flash memory via the console port using Kermit.
If a suitable communications program is resident on the PC it may be used. If there is no such program available the upgrade disk includes a shareware version of ProComm.
Connect the PC via COM1 or COM2 to the SUPERVISOR port of the Multiplexer. This port is configured DCE and therefore a straight cable (no
crossover) is required (see Echo LANlink User manual.) The communications package should be configured to 9.6Kbps, 8 bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
Start the PC communications program, or ProComm from the upgrade disc. ProComm will default to COM1. Should the Multiplexer be connected to COM2 press ALT P and select 22 for COM2.
If ProComm is being used press the <PgUp> key on the PC, then enter 2 for Kermit.
Enter the Upgrade File Name e.g. A:\>LANLINK1.1.
ProComm will display the file size and how many bytes have been transferred. The download should take approximately 15 minutes.
| Abort Transfer |
| Cancel Batch |
| Cancel File |
When the download has been completed the following messages will be displayed:
Enter Key: 1
Start Remote Kermit…
Normal end 136904 bytes received
Echo LANlink Router Option User Manual | Issue 1.0 04 December 1997 Page 56 of 59 |