Folder The folder on FTP server you wish to save video files.
Test FTP Click this button to establish a connection to FTP server to test
Item Description
Enable SMTP Server
Enable Email notification functionality.
SMTP Server Input SMTP server’s IP address or host name.
Sender Email Input an E-mail address here. This E-mail address will appear as
email sender in all outgoing E-mail.
Primary Email Input primary E-mail receiving address here.
Secondary Email Input secondary (backup) E-mail receiving address here. You can
leave this field blank if you only have one E-mail address.
Authorization If your mail server requires authorization, check this box.
Please note: Please consult your E-mail server’s administrator to
know if you need to check this box.
Username User name used to pass E-mail server’s authorization.
Password Password used to pass E-mail server’s authorization.
Confirm Password Input password again for confirmation.
Test Mail Click this button to establish a connection to mail server to test
When you finish settings, click ‘Apply’ button to apply changes you made.