Effects settings
4: Enhancer5: Comp&DeEsser6: MS-Mic* You can adjust the stereo dispersion during recording or playback. This case is limited to MS mics that can directly
output the mid and side signals. Connect the mid-signal to CH1 (CH3) and the side signal to CH2 (CH4).
No. Parameter
name Range of values Default
values Explanation
1SENSE 0–100 50 Adjusts the sensitivity of the enhanc-
er effect.
2MIX 0–100 50
Adjusts the amount of phase-shifted
sound that is to be mixed with the in-
3LEVEL 0–120 100 Adjusts the overall volume.
No. Parameter
name Range of values Default
values Explanation
1DE-ESSER OFF, ON ON Turn this ON to reduce unpleasant
2THRESHOLD 0–100 50
Sets the volume (threshold level) at
which the compressor begins to op-
erate. Compression is applied to the
input when it exceeds this level.
Lower threshold settings mean that
the compressor is applied even at
lower levels.
3RATIO 1.0:1, 1.2:1, 1.5:1, 2.0:1, 2.8:1,
4.0:1, 8.0:1, 16.0:1, Inf:1 4.0:1
Adjusts the ratio at which the sound
is compressed when the input ex-
ceeds the threshold level. Higher ra-
tios mean that the sound is
compressed more strongly.
4ATTACK 0.25–100ms 10ms
Adjusts the time over which the
amount of compression specified by
Ratio is reached once compression is
triggered when the input exceeds the
threshold level. Higher Attack set-
tings mean that compression is ap-
plied more slowly.
5RELEASE 50–5000ms 100ms
Adjusts the time until compression is
released once the input falls below
the threshold level. Higher Release
settings mean that the sound reverts
to its uncompressed state more slow-
(The value will change in
steps of 0.5dB)
0.0dB Adjusts the gain following compres-
7LEVEL 0–120 100 Adjusts the overall volume.
No. Parameter
name Range of values Default
values Explanation
1Wide 0–100 80 Adjusts sound dispersion.
2Level 0–120 100 Adjusts the overall volume.
R-4_e_new.book 63 ページ 2006年11月20日 月曜日 午後1時9分