24 Chapter2AdjustingScreens
2-4. Expanding Signal Output Range
The output range of the signal is extended from 16 - 254 to 0 - 255 for display. When images are displayed in black
and white within the restr icted range for purposes such as image creation, us e this setting to improve the contrast
of the images.
1. Choose “ Screen” from the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “ Range Extension” from “Screen”, and press .
3. Select “On”, “Off ”, or “Auto” with or .
• W hen the DVI signal is input, “Auto” cannot be selected.
4. Pre ss to exit.
2-5. Selecting Screen Size
The image with the resolution other than the re commended resolution is displayed in full screen automat ically.
You can change the screen size by using the “Screen Size” funct ion from “Screen”.
●DVI, DisplayPort (PC signal) input
Settings Function
Full Displaysanimageinfullscreen.Imagesaredistor tedinsomecasesbecausethevertic al
Enlarged Displaysanimageinfullscreen.Insomec ases,ablankhorizontalorverticalb order
appearstoequalizetheverticalrateandth ehorizontalrate.
Normal Displaysimageswiththespeci edresolution.
Example: Image size 1280 × 1024
Full Enlarged Normal
2560×1400 1800×1440 1280×1024
1. Choose “ Screen” from the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “ Screen Size” from “Screen”, and press .
3. Select “Full”, “Enlarged”, or “Norm al” with or .
4. Pre ss to exit.
• Select ing “Normal” may make some color grad ations unavailable for display.