●Adjusting Brightness
The screen brightness is adjusted by cha nging the brightness of the backlight (light sour ce from the LCD back
Setting Range
75 cd/m2 to 350 cd/m2
1. Pre ss or .
The Brightness menu appea rs.
2. Use or for adjus tment.
3. Pre ss to exit.
• If t he entered value cannot be set, the value w ill appear in magenta. In su ch a case, change the value.
• Alte rnatively, you can use “Brightness” under “C olor” in the Adjustment menu to adjust it.
• The va lues shown in “cd/m2” are available only as r eference.
●Adjusting the temperature
The color temperature can be adjuste d.
The color temperature is normal ly used to express the hue of “White” and/or “Black” by a numerical value.
The value is expressed in degrees “K” (Kelvin).
The screen becomes reddish at a low color temperat ure, and bluish at a high color temperature, like the a me
temperature. The gain pre set values are set for each color temperature setting value.
Setting Range
Native, 4000K-10000K (specied every 100K), Standard
1. Choose “Color” f rom the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “ Temperature” from “Color”, and press .
3. Use or for adjus tment.
4. Pre ss to exit.
• “Gai n” allows you to perform more advanced adjus tment (see “Adjusting Gain” (page 23)).
• If you set “ Native”, the image is displayed in the preset color of the monitor (Gain: 100% for ea ch RGB).
• W hen gain is changed, the color temper ature is changed to “User”.
• The d efault setting for each Adobe®RGB/sRGB mode is set to “Standard”, which is the t emperature in confor mity with
each standard.