
2-3. Adjusting Color

To select the display mode (color mode)

This function allows easy selection of a desired mode a ccording to monitor application.

Display Modes

Mode Purpose

1-User1 Availableforthecolorsettingsac cordingtoyourpreference.
4-Paper Producesaprintedpaperef fectbydecreasingcontrastandcolo rtemperature.
5-Adobe®RGB Suitablefo rcolormatchingwithAdobe®RGBcom patibleperipherals.
6-sRGB Suitableforcolorm atchingwithsRGBcompatibleperipher als.
7-CAL Displaysthescreenadjustedby“ColorN avigator”colormanagementsoft wareand
“ColorNavigatorElements”photocolorm atchingsoftware.
• In CA L mode, ColorNavigator and ColorNavigator Elements can be used for adjus tment.
• Available CAL mode dif fers depending on each input sign al.
• Avoid operating a ny function of the monitor while using ColorNavigat or and/or ColorNavigator Elements. Regarding
ColorNavigator and ColorNavigator Elements, see “To use ColorNavigator/ColorNavigator Elements” (pa ge 10).
1-User1←→2-User2←→3 -User3←→4- Paper
7-CAL←→6-sRGB←→5- Adobe®RGB


1. Pre ss .

The mode menu appears at the bot tom left of the screen.

2. The mod e among the list is highlighted in tur n each time is pressed.

You can switch the mode with or while the mode menu is d isplayed.
• The Adju stment menu and the Mode menu cannot be d isplayed at the same time.
• You can disable a speci c mode to be selected. For more information, s ee “3-1. Enabling/Disabling Mode Selection”
(page 28).
• “Sc reenManager Pro for LCD” allows you to select the c olor mode automatically according to the a pplication used (see
“Chapter 3 Auto FineContrast ” in the “ScreenManager P ro for LCD” User’s Manual).