●Adjusting Gain
The brightness of each color component red, gree n, and blue is called Gain. You can change the hue of “white”
by adjusting gain.
Setting Range
0 to 100%
1. Choose “Color” f rom the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “Advanced Settings” f rom “Color”, and press .
3. Choose “G ain”, and press .
4. Choose t he color for adjustment from “Red”, “Green”, and “Blue”, and press .
5. Use or for adjus tment.
6. Pre ss to exit.
• Using th is function may make some color gra dations unavailable for display.
• The “ Temperature” setting invalid ates this setting.
• The va lue of gain changes with that of color temperat ure.
• W hen gain is changed, the color temper ature is changed to “User”.
●Adjusting 6 Colors
The hue and saturation can be adjuste d for each of six colors: Magenta, Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, and Blue.
Adjustable Range
-100 to 100
1. Choose “Color” f rom the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “Advanced Settings” f rom “Color”, and press .
3. Choose “6 Colors”, and press .
4. Choose t he color for adjustment from “Magenta”, “Red”, “Yellow”, “Green”, “Cyan”, and “Blue”, and press
5. Select “Hue” or “Sat uration”, and press .
6. Use or for adjus tment.
7. Pre ss to exit.