Figure 23. E-Map

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Toenable E-Map, follow these steps:
1. ClickEnable E-Map to activate the E-Map on the main screen.
2. Selectthe Position No. of the desired position of the specified Screen Division in which the E-Map will appear.
3. ClickFind > to select a bitmap to load into the E-Map.
4. ClickGo to copy the selected image to the drawing area.
5. Selectthe camera Setting to set the position of the cameras, controls, and/or sensors
a. Camera: Select the camera, then click the desired position for the camera on the E-Map.
b. Control: Select the control, then click the desired position for the control on the E-Map.
c. Sensor : Select the sensor,then click the desired position for the sensor on the E-Map.
6. ClickSave to save the setup settings.

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Todelete cameras drawn on the E-Map, follow these steps:
1. Clickthe Delete Camera, Control, Sensor checkbox.
2. Clickthe camera, control or sensor you want to delete.
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