14Monitor settings
An overview of all functions
The following overview has been drawn up to help you navigate your way through the menu pages and their functions.
Main | Symbol | Function | Keys '/' | Keys '/' | ||
menu |
| Fade out the on- |
| screen menu |
| To decrease the horizontal | To increase the horizontal | |
POS. |
| size of the screen. | size screen. |
| To decrease the vertical | To increase the vertical | |
| size of the screen. | size of the screen. |
| To move the image on the | To move the image on the | |
| screen to the left. | screen to the right. |
| To move the image down. | To move the image up. | |
| ZOOM | To decrease the image | To increase the image size |
| size in all directions. | in all directions. |
| ROTATION | To rotate the image coun- | To rotate the image clock- |
| terclockwise. | wise. |
| To narrow the center of | To expand the center of the | |
| the screen horizontally. | screen horizontally. |
| To move the top and bot- | To move the top and bot- |
| tom of the screen image | tom of the screen image to |
| to the left. | the right. |
| To decrease the width at | To increase the width at |
| the top of the screen | the top of the screen |
| image and to increase the | image and to decrease the |
| width at the bottom. | width at the bottom. |
| To slant the screen to the | To slant the screen to the | |
| left. | right. |
| Mode SIMPLE | To match the black the proportion (BIAS) and the white | |
| ||||
| proportion (GAIN) of each of the two color temperatures | |
| ||
| 5000K and 9300K for the red, green and blue (RGB) | |
| color channels. |
| Mode COMPLEX | To set continuously adjustable color temperature. | |
| |
| Mode sRGB | To set the brightness and contrast for sRGB. | |
CON- |
| To move the red to the | To move the red to the left | |
VER- |
| right and the blue to the | and the blue to the right. |
| |||
| |||
| left. |
| |
| To move the red up and | To move the red down and | |
| the blue down. | the blue up. |
LAN- |
| To select the lan- |
| ||
| guage used by the |
| ||
| OSD. |