Add your own sensors, alerts, or alert reactions by adding a line to the ACTIONS, ALERTS, or ALERT_REACTIONS section.

Modifications in the ActionAndAlertsFile.txt file are only taken into consideration when the monitoring daemons are restarted.

To restart the monitoring daemons:

1.Change the ActionAndAlertsFile.txt file on the management node.

2.Stop the Java GUI.

3.Stop the daemons.

#/etc/init.d/cmu stop

4.Restart the daemons.

#/etc/init.d/cmu restart

5.Start the Java interface.

5.5.6 Using collectl for gathering monitoring data

The default method for specifying commands to collect monitoring data is described in “Actions” (page 78). This default method is referred to as native mode in this section.

HP Insight CMU provides an alternative method which uses the collectl tool for gathering monitoring data. Data appears using the same HP Insight CMU interface as native mode. and starting collectl on compute nodes

1.On compute nodes, install the package from the HP Insight CMU CDROM:

#mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

#cd /mnt/tools/collectl

#rpm -ivh collectl-3.x.x-x.noarch.rpm







2.If you have not already done it, install the monitoring rpm on compute nodes as described in “Installing the HP Insight CMU monitoring client” (page 66).

3.Edit the /etc/collectl.conf file as follows:

DaemonCommands = -s+dcmnNE --import misc --export lexpr -A server -i5

IMPORTANT: For HP Insight CMU diskless configurations, only use the DaemonCommands options provided in the example above. Do not use any option which causes disk I/O.

4.Start collectl:

# /etc/init.d/collectl start

Starting collectl:

[ OK ]

5.Configure collectl to start automatically:

# chkconfig --add collectl

collectl 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off the ActionAndAlerts.txt file

The ActionAndAlerts.txt file contains definitions for using collectl monitoring. These lines are commented out so HP Insight CMU works in native mode by default, without collectl. If you want to switch to collectl, you must comment native and uncomment collectl in /opt/cmu/etc/ActionAndAlertsFile.txt. For example:







5.5 Tuning HP Insight CMU monitoring 81

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Image 81
HP Insight Cluster Management Utility manual Using collectl for gathering monitoring data, # /etc/init.d/collectl start