Executing a command on a list of nodes

To execute a command on multiple nodes, you must specify the names of nodes.

cmu> boot o185i222 o185i233 o185i243

active node list selected: o185i222 o185i233 o185i243 cmu>

Executing a command on a range of nodes

To execute a command on a range of nodes, you must specify the range using their attributes. Commands are executed on all nodes within the range.

cmu> boot o185i222 - o185i225

active node list selected: o185i222 o185i223 o185i224 o185i225 cmu>

IMPORTANT: Spaces between “-” and node names are mandatory.

Using wildcards

You can use the * as a wildcard to select all nodes with matching node names. For example:

cmu> nodes o185i22*

active node list selected: o185i220 o185i221 o185i222 o185i223 o185i224 o185i225 o185i226 o185i227 o185i228 o185i229


Complex list of nodes

A complex list of nodes can be specified using any combination of the above regular expressions. NOTE: If a node is mentioned twice, the command is executed twice on this node.

To boot specific nodes:

cmu> boot o185i209 o185i217 o185i22* o185i232 - o185i235

active node list selected: o185i209 o185i217 o185i220 o185i221 o185i222 o185i223 o185i224 o185i225 o185i226 o185i227 o185i228 o185i229 o185i232 o185i233 o185i234 o185i235


Executing a command on all nodes

A command followed by the all option is executed on all nodes.

cmu> boot all

active node list selected: o185i192 o185i193 o185i194 o185i195 o185i196 o185i197 o185i198 o185i199 o185i200 o185i201 o185i202 o185i203 o185i204 o185i205 o185i206 o185i207 o185i208 o185i209 o185i210 o185i211 o185i212 o185i213 o185i214 o185i215 o185i216 o185i217 o185i218 o185i219 o185i220 o185i221 o185i222 o185i223 o185i224 o185i225 o185i226 o185i227 o185i228 o185i229 o185i230 o185i231 o185i232 o185i233 o185i234 o185i235 o185i236 o185i237 o185i238 o185i239 o185i240 o185i241 o185i242 o185i243 o185i244 o185i245 o185i246 o185i247 o185i248 o185i249 o185i250 o185i251 o185i252 o185i253 o185i254 o185i255


Excluding specific nodes from a command

Use the allbut option to select all nodes except specific ones. The allbut option can be followed by any combination of the above regular expressions.

cmu> boot allbut o185i2*

active node list selected: o185i192 o185i193 o185i194 o185i195 o185i196 o185i197 o185i198 o185i199 cmu>

Executing a command on all nodes of a logical group

You can use the all option followed by a group name to select all active nodes of this group.

cmu> boot all default

active node list selected: o185i194 o185i202 o185i216 o185i222 o185i233 o185i243 o185i252 o185i253 o185i254 cmu>

104 Managing a cluster with HP Insight CMU

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HP Insight Cluster Management Utility Executing a command on a list of nodes, Executing a command on a range of nodes