Chapter 8 User Authentication
Radius Commands
The following radius commands are accessible from Supervisor level.
In order to... | Use the following command... |
Enable or disable authentication for | set radius authentication |
the P330 switch. RADIUS |
authentication is disabled by |
default |
Set a primary or secondary | set radius authentication server |
RADIUS server IP address |
Configure a character string to be | set radius authentication secret |
used as a “shared secret” between |
the switch and the RADIUS server. |
Set the RFC 2138 approved UDP | set radius authentication |
port number. |
Set the number of times an access | set radius authentication retry- |
request is sent when there is no | number |
response |
Set the time to wait before re- | set radius authentication |
sending an access request. |
Remove a primary or secondary | clear radius authentication server |
RADIUS authentication server |
Display all RADIUS authentication | show radius authentication |
configurations. The shared secrets |
will not be displayed |
For a complete description of the RADIUS CLI commands, including syntax and output examples, refer to Avaya P330: Reference Guide.
Avaya | 41 |