An optimized working environment 17
An optimized working environment
You have already taken a significant step towards this goal: you have acquired a monitor with technology guaranteeing optimized ergonomics and a minimum of stress at your place of work. Equally important is the overall arrangement of your working environment, which includes some basic rules about working with a monitor.
The ELSA ELSA ECOMO 530 complies with the latest EU ergonomics guidelines (90/270/ EEC) for work places with monitors, which came into effect on the 1.1.97.
Monitor picture quality
The screen must display a stable picture. How can you check this? Simply focus on a fixed point next to your screen. If you can see a perceptible flickering of the picture, you can try and adjust the brightness and contrast to stabilize the picture. If this does not help, then try to increase the display refresh rate with your graphics card driver.
Tips for an ergonomic working environment
Lighting in your working environment
The lighting in your place of work should not perceptibly flicker. Avoid placing monitors directly next to windows and be sure that there is the possibility to reduce the intrusion of strong sunlight such as with a blind. When arranging desks, make sure that the direc- tion of view is parallel with the lighting. The direction of view to the monitor should be parallel to the windows. Glare and reflections can be reduced by an
You can check whether or not your place of work meets these basic rules:
Are you facing a window when looking at your monitor?
Does your monitor screen show any reflections from windows or lighting?
The work desk
The top of the work desk should be at a height of 72cm. The desk top should be around 80 cm deep and of sufficient width. There should be a suitable separation between the operator and the monitor which, for a 17" monitor, is recommended to be at least 45cm and for a 21" monitor, should be about 80cm.
The seating position
The seating position is most important for work in comfort and without problems. A rule of thumb is: sit with a straight back and ensure that your arms and legs are bent at appro-