A p p e n d i x F

Preparing a Hard Disk for Use

If you have the Apex 100\20, your hard disk has already been physically formatted, partitioned, and formatted for MS-DOS; so you should not need to do anything to prepare it for use.

However, if you have installed a new hard disk in your computer or you need to repartition or reformat the disk you have been using, you may need to perform part or all of the procedures described here.

This appendix explains how to do the following:

Use FDISK to create an MS-DOS partition on the hard disk

Use SELECT to format the partition for MS-DOS and install MS-DOS on the disk

Use COPY to copy the remaining MS-DOS file to the hard disk

Create an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the hard disk.


These instructions describe how to prepare the entire hard

disk for use by MS-DOS. If you are using a different

operating system, use it to prepare the hard disk.

Before you can use FDISK and SELECT, your hard disk must have received a low-leve1 format. This type of formatting is usually done by the manufacturer and you should not need to do this yourself. If you are using an Epson drive, it has already been formatted. However, you may need to perform a low-level (also called physical) format if one of the following is true:

The hard disk is new and has never been formatted. Some manufacturers do not format their hard disks.

Preparing a Hard Disk for Use
