3.Type A : and press Enter to log onto drive A.

4.At the A> prompt, type FD I SK and press Enter. The screen displays the FDISK options menu.

5.Press 1 to select the Create DOS partition option and press


6.Press 1 to select the Create Primary DOS partition option and press Enter. The screen displays the following prompt:

Do you wish to use the maximum size for a DOS partition and make the DOS

partition active (Y/N).........


7.Press Y to use the entire hard disk for MS-DOS and press Enter. The screen displays the following message and prompt:

System will now restart

Insert DOS diskette in drive A: Press any key when ready ...

8.Press any key to restart the system (the Startup diskette is already in drive A). Your computer begins reloading MS-DOS. After the preliminary copyright information appears on the screen, you see the date prompt.

9.Press Enter twice to accept the displayed date and then the time.

The system now recognizes the MS-DOS partition and the A> prompt reappears.

Preparing a Hard Disk for Use
