Preparing the hard disk for moving

If you need to move your Apex 100\20 to a new location- whether it is across the country or just across the room-there is a program you should run to protect the hard disk before you turn off the computer.

The HDSIT program moves the disk drive’s read/write heads to a region on the disk surface that does not contain data, and locks them securely in position. This protects the hard disk from being damaged if the computer is bumped accidentally.

Follow these steps to run HDSIT:

1.Exit any program you are using so the MS-DOS command prompt is on the screen.

2.Insert the Reference diskette in drive A.

3.Type the following and press Enter:


You see a message on the screen that tells you the disk drive’s read/write heads will remain locked until you reset the computer or turn the power off and on again. The computer locks the heads and disables the keyboard. You can now turn off the computer and prepare to move it to the new location.

2-18 Using Your Computer