EPSON Digital PhotoLab Pro
We’ve packed lots of fun and informative software with your printer. EPSON Digital PhotoLab Pro contains a collection of photo-editing, enlargement, and color correcting software. Install any one or all of them, depending on your preferences and the space available on your computer.
We’ve also included a variety of terrific project ideas for your photos, such as T-shirts, banners, greeting cards, and other items you might never have thought of! Plus, you get helpful information on EPSON products and supplies.
Be sure to insert the EPSON CD-ROM and run EPSON Digital PhotoLab Pro right away to install your bonus software applications and check out the great projects. Here’s how . . .
■In Windows, double-click the
EPSON Digital PhotoLab Pro icon on the desktop or select Start, Programs, EPSON, and double-click EPSON Digital
PhotoLab Pro.
■On a Macintosh, double-click the EPSON Digital PhotoLab Pro alias on your desktop.
After a moment, the EPSON Digital PhotoLab Pro main menu appears:
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