sRGB: For matching the color palette of standard sRGB computer displays.

Blackboard: For projecting accurate colors on a green chalkboard (adjusts the white point).

Customized: For manual color adjustment (see below).BrightnessLightens or darkens the overall image.ContrastAdjusts the difference between light and dark areas.Color SaturationAdjusts the color depth of the image.TintAdjusts the balance of green to magenta in the image.SharpnessAdjusts the sharpness of the image.Abs. Color Temp.

Sets a color temperature between 5000 and 10000 °K. (Not available if sRGB is selected as the Color Mode setting.)

Color Adjustment

Adjusts the color values. For Customized color mode, select RGBCMY to adjust individual red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow hue and saturation values. For other color modes, RGB may be selected to adjust red, green, and blue hue and saturation values. (Not available if sRGB is selected as the Color Mode setting.)

Six-Axis Color Adjustment

For special projection material, such as high-quality photographs or artwork, you can adjust the hue and saturation for six different color axes.

1.Follow the instructions on page 50 to open the Image menu and select Color Mode.


The Brightness setting changes the opacity of the projector’s LCD panels. You can also change the lamp’s brightness. Select Brightness Control in the Settings menu, then choose High or Low (the default setting is High).

Fine-Tuning the Projector 51