To select an option, use the arrow keys to highlight your selection and then press Enter. Most options contain submenus; keep highlighting your selection and pressing Enter until you have selected the desired operation.

Because MENU works by calling other programs, you may see an error message similar to this when you select an option:

SETPRINT.EXE not on the current disk.Press any key to continue...

The message appears if you attempt to run MENU from a disk that does not contain the command called by MENU (in this case, SETPRINT). This also happens if you have not set the proper path to the desired command using the PATH command. Be sure that the command exists on the same disk or the same directory as MENU.EXE, or enter a PATH command to search the directory containing the command. If you have a hard disk, it is best to store all the programs required by MENU in the same directory as MENU.EXE.

MENU Program Options

Following is a description of each option. Step-by-step instructions for using each option are provided in your MS-DOS Reference Manual.

File Utilities Lets you back up and restore files, replace files, compare files, change file attributes, copy files, and copy directories. This option does the work of the MS-DOS commands BACKUP RESTORE, REPLACE, FC, ATTRIB, and


Disk Utilities Lets you check, copy, compare, and format diskettes. This option provides an easy-to-use alternative to the MS-DOS CHKDSK, DISKCOPY, DISKCOMP: and FORMAT commands.

5-26 Using MS-DOSwith Your Equity 386