Display data in both ASCII and hexadecimal format

Display how much space is available on your disks.

Running XTREE

To run XTREE, log onto the directory where XTREE is located or insert the Operating 1 diskette in drive A. Type XTREE at the command prompt and press Enter. A title screen appears while XTREE reads your disk’s directory, and then the XTREE display appears.

When a directory is highlighted in the upper window, the DIR COMMANDS list is displayed at the bottom of the screen, This list shows you the commands you can use to perform directory management operations. When you press Enter to switch to the files in the bottom window, the list of FILE COMMANDS replaces the DIR COMMANDS list. This list shows you the commands you can use to perform file management operations.

You use the cursor keys, letter keys, function keys, the Ctrl key, and the Alt key to perform various functions in XTREE.

You use cursor keys to select files and directories. To select a file or directory, use the arrow keys to highlight the name of the file or directory Press Enter to move the cursor from the directory (top) window to the file (bottom) window. Press Enter to expand the file window, and then press it again to return to the directory window.

Letter keys execute XTREE commands. The available XTREE commands appear on the DIR COMMANDS or FILE COMMANDS line at the bottom of your screen. The highlighted letter of the word (the D in Delete, for example) indicates the key you press to execute the command.

To execute a command on more than one file or directory, press T to tag the desired files or directories with the Tag command. A diamond appears next to each tagged file or directory name. Then hold down the Ctrl key as you press the highlighted letter of the command name. Pressing Ctrl D, for example, deletes all tagged files.

5-28 Using MS-DOS with Your Equity 386