8.Press ESC twice. The screen displays the following message and prompts:

System will now restart

Insert DOS diskette in drive A:

Press any key when ready . . .

9.Press any key to restart the system (the MS-DOS Startup diskette is already in drive A). Your computer reloads MS-DOS, displaying the preliminary copyright information and the date prompt.

10.Press Enter twice to accept the date and time shown.

The system now recognizes the primary partition as drive C and the extended partition as drive D. The A > prompt reappears.

After creating the partitions, you must format each one separately. Follow the instructions later in this chapter.

Creating the Extended Partition on a 90MB Disk

If you have a 90MB hard disk, follow these steps to create a 58MB extended partition and divide it into a 32MB drive D and a 26MB drive E.

1.Insert the working copy of the MS-DOS Startup diskette in drive A (if it is not there already).

2.At the A> prompt, type FDISK and press Enter. The screen displays the FDISK Options menu.

3.Press 1 to select the Create DOS Partition option and press


4.Press 2 to select the Create Extended DOS Partition option and press Enter. The screen displays a message similar to this:

Total disk space is 1021 cylinders. Maximum space available for partition is 657 cylinders.

Enter partition size . . . . . . . . . . [657]

Preparing a Hard Disk for Use 3-7