Creating the Extended Partition on a 40MB Disk

If you have a 40MB hard disk, follow these steps to create an 8MB extended partition and designate it as drive D. (See the instructions below if you have a 90MB hard disk.)

1.Insert the working copy of the MS-DOS Startup diskette in drive A (if it is not there already).

2.At the A> prompt, type FDISK and press Enter. The screen displays the FDISK Options menu.

3.Press 1 to select the Create DOS Partition option and press


4.Press 2 to select the Create Extended DOS Partition option and press Enter. The screen displays a message similar to this:

Total disk space is 1021 cylinders. Maximum space available for partition is 252 cylinders.

Enter partition size . . . . . . . . . . [252]

5.Press Enter to accept the partition size. The screen displays the following message:

Extended DOS partition created

and shows you information about the partitions you have created.

6.Press ESC to return to the FDISK Options menu. FDISK automatically displays the Create Logical DOS Drive(s) option and a message similar to this:

No logical drives defined

Total partition size is 252 cylinders. Maximum space available for logical drive is 252 cylinders.

Enter logical drive size . . . . . . [252]

7.Press Enter to accept the logical drive size. FDISK creates a logical drive for the extended partition and designates it drive D.

3-6 Preparing a Hard Disk for Use