When formatting is complete, any bad tracks are flagged, and you see a series of messages like these:

Format finished.Flagging bad tracks...Cylinder is xxxx, head is yyFormat completed.

Press ENTER to return to the menu.

Flagged tracks are identified by xxxx and yy. At this point, press Enter to return to the HARD DISK FORMAT MENU.

If there are any tracks with other errors, scanning stops and you see this message:

Scanning cancelled.Warning: This drive has an unflagged error(s), or is unformatted.

Press ENTER to return to the menu.

Press Enter. This may mean that the drive has never been formatted or that an error was not flagged. If you see this message, it is best to consult your dealer.

If you want to format the disk after receiving this error message, do the following:

1.If the drive is not formatted, perform the Unconditional format (Option 2) and enter any tracks you know are bad in the Bad Track Table. (See “Unconditional Format” below.)

2.Run the Destructive surface analysis (Option 3) to flag any remaining bad tracks. (See “Destructive Surface Analysis,” which appears later in this chapter.)

3.Run the Conditional format again. No errors should occur; if one does, contact your dealer.

Physically Formatting a Hard Disk D-5