6.See “Post-installation Setup,” below, to see if you need to make any configuration changes.

Changing Jumpers on the SPF Card

If you installed an additional parallel or serial port, you may need to change the jumper settings on the SPF card. Normally, the serial and parallel ports on the SPF card are addressed as the primary ports (COM1 and LPT1, respectively). However, if you want the new serial or parallel port to be the primary port, you need to change the jumper settings so the port on the SPF card becomes secondary (COM2 or LPT2) or is disabled (if the card you install provides two additional ports).

A jumper is a small connector device that joins two pins on a circuit board to activate a particular function. A jumper’s setting is determined by where the jumper is placed: either between pin A and the middle pin (position A) or between pin B and the middle pin (position B).

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The following tables describe the jumper functions for the serial port and parallel port.

6-10 Installing Options