

Absolute pathname, 5-12 -13

Alternate parallel port check, C-23

Alternate serial port check, C-25

APPEND, 5-15

Auto speed function, 2-6-7

AUTOEXEC.BAT, 5-6,5-30 -31


Backing up, 5-20 -23 with BACKUP 5-23with DISKCOPY, 5-20 -22

BACKUP 4-20,5-20,5-23Base memory, 2-3

Batch files, 5-6AUTOEXEC.BAT, 5-30 -31

Booting MS-DOS, 3-13Break signal, 4-4



display adapter, see Video cards memory, 6-3

serial/parallel/floppy (SPF), see SPF card video, see Video cards

CGA card, see Video cards Changing directories, 5-16 -17 CHDIR (CD), 5-16 -17

Clock and CMOS RAM check, B-2Clock, real-time, 2-11 -12 Clock/calendar RAM, C-7,F-2CMOS RAM, 2-1,B-2,C-7

Color’ graphics adapter (CGA) card, see Video cards Color graphics adapter and CRT check, C-12 -19 Command format, 5-3

Command prompt, 5-2COMMAND.COM, 5-11,A-5

Index 1