Dragging and dropping an image with the Camio Viewer works only with OLE 2.0-compliant applications running under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

You cannot drag and drop sound into your document.

3Continue with the steps in one of the following sections, depending on the option you chose in step 2.

Transferring Images Before Placing Them

Follow these steps if you chose Copy all images:

1Click OK to copy your pictures to an album named with the current date. Or, type a new name for the album and click OK. Your pictures are transferred one by one. They appear in a strip of thumbnail images, as shown on the previous page.

2Follow steps 2 and 3 in the next section to drag and drop a picture into a document or other project.

Dragging and Dropping a Picture Into a Document

Follow these steps if you chose View images in the Camera:

1Click OK. Your pictures appear in a strip of thumbnail images:

indicates audio

2Open the application and document where you want to use the picture.

Getting Pictures Into Your Computer 3-5