5Select another port if necessary. In most cases, it is best to leave the Port setting at Auto because Image Expert can detect the camera connection automatically.
If you have a serial device connected to one port and an internal modem on the other, you can try setting the Port to COM3 or COM4.
6Select a slower speed. Image Expert automatically chooses the fastest speed that works with your system, but this may actually be too fast for the configuration of your port. If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT, try lowering the speed to 57600. If you are using Windows 3.1, try lowering the speed to 57600 or 38400. You may need to experiment to choose the best speed for your system.
7When you are finished, click OK.
Getting Images Into TWAIN Applications
If you use Photoshop or other
If your images have audio messages attached to them, you must use Image Expert to download them. TWAIN does not support audio transfer.
1Start your application.
2From the File menu, choose Import, then Select TWAIN_32 Source (or Acquire, then TWAIN_32 Select Source).
You may need to select TWAIN instead of TWAIN_32 in
some applications, especially those in Windows 3.1.
3Choose PhotoPC 550 as the TWAIN source.