4Click the Camera Setup button to display the Camera Setup dialog box:
◗Enter a new Camera ID if you want to change the default. This might be useful if you have more than one camera and you want to be able to have its ID recorded in your picture data.
◗Type the correct time or date in the Computer Time and Camera Time boxes if you need to change them. Or, click Set Camera to Computer Time to have your camera automatically synchronized to your computer.
◗Enter new values in either of the Power Down Time boxes if you want to change the camera’s automatic
◗If you want to adjust your port settings, click the Camera Connection button. You see the Connection dialog box:
◗Select another port if you want to change your connection. In most cases, it is best to leave the
Port setting at Auto because Image Expert can detect the camera connection automatically.
◗Select a different communication speed. Image Expert automatically chooses the fastest speed that works with your system. This may actually be too fast for the configuration of your port. You may need to experiment to choose the best speed.
Managing the Camera From the Computer