2Click on any of the topics for an animated demonstration of what you can do with PhotoPC 550 and Image Expert.

To skip the tour and download your pictures and sound, click Close. You see a window like the following:

Click to see the pictures in your camera.

3Click View Pictures in the Camera. You see a window displaying “filmstrips” of your images. (If you see an error message instead, follow the instructions on page 3-9.)

Click to start downloading your pictures.

indicates audio message


To open Quick Tour again, select Quick Tour from the Help


4Click Get All to transfer all the images. You can also click an individual image to select it. The Get All button changes to Get Selected.


To select a range of images, hold down the Shift key while you click.

To select several images individually, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on the images.

Getting Pictures Into Your Computer 3-7