Selecting Character Fonts
Your printer has seven
Press the FONT button to select from the seven fonts listed on the control panel. The three FONT lights come on (0) or go off
(a) to indicate the active font.
003 F O N T
000Courier m RomanT (PS)
00.Sam H (PS)
000Sans Serif
The table below lists the available fonts and shows how the FONT lights appear for each selection.
FONT lights | Fonts | Sample |
000 | Epson Courier | ABCDEFGhi j klm0123456789 |
0.0 | Epson Roman T | ABCDEFGhijklm0123456789 |
000 | Epson Suns Serif H | ABCDEFGhijklmOl23456789 |
O@O | Epson Roman | ABCDEFGhijklm0123456789 |
000 | Epson Suns Serif | ABCDEFGhi j klmOl23456789 |
000 | Epson Prestige | ABCDEFGhijklm0123456789 |
0.0 | Epson Script | ABCDEFGtijklLm0123456789 |
0 on 0 off
Note:D Roman T and Suns SerifHfonfs are available in proportional spacing only.
Ll Font selections you make with your application program usually override these control panel selections. For best results, use your application program to selectfonts.
Using Other Printer Functions