control code

Special codes used to control printer functions such as performing a carriage return or line feed.

c p i

See characters per inch.


A value or setting that takes effect when the equipment is turned on, reset, or initialized.

A method of printing in which each letter or symbol is formed by a pattern (matrix) of individual dots.

double-height printing

Printing in which each character is twice as tall as normal.

double-strike printing

Printing in which each character is printed twice.

double-width printing

Printing in which each character is twice as wide as normal.

emphasized printing

Printing in which each character is printed twice (darker), with the second slightly to the right of the first.


Abbreviation for Epson Standard Code for Printers. This system of commands gives you software control of your printer from your computer. It is standard for all Epson printers and supported by most application software for personal computers.


The enhanced version of the ESC/P printer command language. Commands in this language produce laser-like features, such as scalable fonts and enhanced graphics printing.

2 Glossary