5.Do one of the following to view a preview of your envelope:

Windows: Click the Print Preview box, then click OK to close your Properties window. Click Print on the Print window.

Macintosh OS X: Click the Preview button on the Print Settings menu.

Macintosh OS 8.5.1 to 9.x: Click the button on the printer settings menu. Then click the Preview button that appears.

6.If you need to change the margins, cancel or close the preview window and adjust the margins in your application software. Then repeat step 5.

7.When your preview looks okay, print the envelope:

Windows and Macintosh OS 8.5.1 to 9.x: Click the Print button on the Print Preview window.

Macintosh OS X: Select Print from your application software’s File menu. Then click the Print button on the window that appears.

Printing From Start to Finish 21