Epson EMP-8000 manual Effect Menu, Setting Menu

Models: EMP-8000

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Effect Menu

Use the Effect menu to modify what happens when you use the Effects buttons on the remote control and to change the cursor speed.

Menu item





Set the stamp icon and zoom rate.


Set the box color.


Set the marker color and width.

Free Line

Set the color and width.

Cursor Speed

Set the cursor speed to Low, Middle, or High.


Returns all menu items to their initial factory defaults.


Select this item and then press the Enter button to


display the confirmation screen.


Next, select Yes and then press the Enter button to


reset the menu.


If you change your mind, select No and then press the


Enter button to clear the confirmation screen without


changing any settings.



Setting Menu

The Setting menu lets you adjust or set the various projector options.

Menu item





Adjusts the trapezoid distorted image to normal.


Selects the image source (composite or S-Video) for


the subscreen.


Specifies whether a black screen, a blue screen, or a


user logo displays when the screen is blanked.


Temporarily displays a message on the projector


screen to identify which source (computer or video) is


providing the image.



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Image 79
Epson EMP-8000 manual Effect Menu, Setting Menu