Therefore, if you ran the following BASIC program while your FX-286 was in the hex dump mode, you would get the printout below it. The printer will print all but the last line and then stop. Press the ON LINE button to make the printer print the last line.

10 FOR X=70 TO 7320 LPRINT CHR$(X): NEXT X30 LPRINT CHR$(27)"E"40 LPRINT "Sample text"

50 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@"

You can consult Appendix A to see the meanings of the hexadecimal codes. The following explanation of the first line will put you on the right track for using the hex dump mode.

The first code is hex 46, which is the same as decimal 70, the code for “F”. Then, because there is no semicolon in line 20, BASIC sends a carriage return and a line feed, hex codes OD and OA. The program then sends the hex codes 47, 48, and 49, with each followed by a carriage return and line feed.

When the program gets to line 30, it sends ESCape “E” and a carriage return and line feed. These are hex codes lB, 45, 0D, and 0A. Now you can follow a hex dump printout on your own.

Some software changes one or more codes when sending them to the printer. The ability of the FX-286 to dump in hexadecimal lets you determine which codes are creating problems for your system.

A hex dump printout of a program shows you exactly what the printer is receiving, regardless of what the computer is sending. The following test program lets you check to see what codes, if any, are problems for your software. This program is in BASIC; use an equivalent program for another programming language.


Put the printer in the hex dump mode and then RUN the program. Remember to press the ON LINE button to make the FX-286 print the
