The standard line spacing is the only one you need for almost all printing of text, but in some cases you may want to increase or decrease the space between lines. The FX-286 has several commands to do this, one of which specifies the line spacing in 216ths of an inch. If you need to make such fine adjustments in the line spacing, see Appendixes G or J for the proper commands. In Chapter 6 you’ll see how useful changes in line spacing can be for dot graphics.

Paper-out Sensor

Under the platen (the black roller) of your FX-286 printer is a small switch that senses whether or not paper is in the printer. When the end of the paper passes this switch, it triggers a signal that sounds the beeper and stops your printing. This saves wear on your print head, ribbon, and platen, but because of the distance between the switch and the print head, it stops the printing about two inches from the end of the page. Therefore, if you use single-sheet paper in your FX-286, you can’t print on the last two inches of each page without an adjustment .

If you need to print on the last two inches of single-sheet paper, there are two solutions: send the printer an ESCape “8” or change one of the DIP switches described in Appendix A. Then the printer will ignore the paper-out signal and print on the last part of each page, but be careful not to allow the FX-286 to print when there is no paper in it. (Some computer systems ignore ESCape “8”; see the ESCape “8” section in Appendixes G or J.)
