Chapter 5

FX-286 Features

This chapter describes many of the printing features of the FX-286.You can read this chapter if you wish, but you may not need to. Whether or not you use the rest of this manual depends upon your expertise, your interest, and the software you use.

IBM Proprinter Mode

In addition to all the standard Epson features, the FX-286has an IBM Proprinter mode. If you have an IBM PC or compatible and want to use the IBM Proprinter mode, turn it on by resetting three DIP switches inside your printer (see Appendix A).

When you have selected the IBM Proprinter mode, your printer is changed in two ways: It uses an IBM character set and it uses a somewhat different set of control codes.

There are actually three different character sets in the IBM Pro- printer mode: Standard, Alternate, and All Print. All three sets are available in draft and NLQ. Printouts of the three sets appear at the end of Appendix K.

The Standard and Alternate character sets can be selected by changing a DIP switch, as explained in Appendix A. The third character set, All Print, can only be selected with ESCape code " \ " or "^". See the detailed explanations of these codes in Appendix J for additional infor- mation.
