3-8 The Automatic Document Feeder Option
Rev. C
A5 size CHAP3.FM
10/7/99 Pass 0
LProof Sign-off:
<tantoname> SEI K.Ito M.Fujimori
<leadername> M.Fujimori
<editorname> SEI G.Hildebrand
Setup of EPSON TWAIN Pro or EPSON TWAIN Pro NetworkDepending o n your docume nt type, one -sided o r two-side d, you
need to set Document Source in the dialog box in EPSON TWAIN
Pro or EPSON TWAIN Pro Network. For detail ed proce dures,
refer to t he EPSON TWAIN Pro User’s Guide.
Installing PageManagerPageManager offers you many processing options for scanned
images, such as changi ng the orientations of documents after
scanning with the Automatic Document Feeder. For
PageManager installation, refer to the EPSON TWAIN Pro User’s
Loading paper in the Automatic Document FeederYour Automatic Document Fee der c an automatically load up to
50 shee ts o f the following pape r sizes (ba sed on a paper weight of
17 lbs a nd a stack thickness of 6.0 mm o r le ss):
Follow the steps be low to loa d paper in the Automatic Docu ment
Paper size Direction
A3, LD, B4, Legal, A4, Letter, B5,
Executive, A5, 140 × 148 mmPortrait
A4, Letter, B5, Executive, A5 Landscape