Chapter 4

Performing System Diagnostics

This chapter describes how to check the operation of the main unit and peripheral devices of your system. You check these devices using System diagnostics, option 4 on the OPERATION MENU.

Always run diagnostics after adding or removing optional devices, or if you are unsure whether a device is performing correctly. You should also run these tests after moving your computer from one place to another, and after you replace the internal battery.

Note: To run System diagnostics, boot your system with the reference diskette in drive A. Then select option 4 from the OPERATION MENU. If you start this program in any other way, some tests may produce strange results.

You can test these devices; the program identifies each one with a specific reference number:

1 - System

2 - Memory

3 - Keyboard

4 - Monochrome display adapter and CRT

5 - Color graphics adapter and CRT

6 - Floppy disk drives and controller

7 - Math coprocessor (80287)

9 - Parallel port (printer interface)

11- Serial port (RS-232C port)

12- Alternate serial port

14 - Dot-matrix printer

17 - Hard disk drives and controller

21 - Alternate parallel port

81 - Parallel port (on video adapter)

Appendix A lists the error messages that may occur when testing these devices.

