Para llel inte rfac e (forw ard c hann el)
Transmission mode: 8-bit parallel, IEEE-P1284 compatibility
Adaptable connector: 57-30360 (Amphenol) or equivalent
Synchronization: STROBE pulse
Handshaking: BUSY and ACKNLG signals
Signal level: TTL compatible (IEEE-P1284 level 1 device)
The following table lists the parallel connector pin assignments and
describes their respective interface signals.
no. Signal
name GND In/Out* Description
1STROBE 19 In Strobe pulse. Input data is latched at
falling edge of the signal.
2 DATA1 20 In Parallel input data to th e printer.
bit 0:LSB
3DATA221 Inbit 1
4DATA322 Inbit 2
5DATA423 Inbit 3
6DATA524 Inbit 4
7DATA625 Inbit 5
8DATA726 Inbit 6
9 DATA8 27 In bit 7:MSB
10 ACKNLG 28 Out This signal (negative pulse) indica tes
that the printer has received data and is
ready to accept more.
11 BUSY 29 Out This signal’s high level means that the
printer is not ready to accept data.
12 PE 28 Out This signal’s high level means that the
printer is out of paper.
13 SLCT 28 Out Always at high level when the printer in
powered on.
Sunflow er-P
A5 size Appendix
01/09/96 pass 2

Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables A-13