A value or setting that takes effect when the equipment is turned on, reset,
or initialized.
A way of arranging dots on a page to simulate a shade or tone.
dot matrix
A method of printing in which each letter or symbol is fo rm ed by a
pattern (matrix) of individual dots.
One of two print modes available on your printer. Draft uses a minimum
number of dots per character for high-speed printi ng. See also letter quality.
See printer driver.
Abbreviation for Epson Standard Code for Print ers. This is the system of
commands your computer uses to control your prin t er. It is standard for
all Epson printers and supported by most sof tware for personal
The enhanced version of the ESC/P printer command language.
Commands in this language produce laser-like results, such as scalable
fonts and enhanced graphics.
A style of type designated by a name such as Palatino or Helvetica .
form feed
A control code and control panel button that advances t he p aper to the
next top-margin position.
hex dump
A troubleshooting feature that helps identify the cause of co m m uni cat ion
problems between the printer and the computer. When the printer is in
hex dump mode, each code that it receives is printed in hexadecimal
notation as well as in the ASCII codes that stand for the characters. Also
called data dump.
Returns the printer to its defaults (fixed sets of conditions).
The connection (via a cable) between the computer and the printer.
Sunflower-P Rev.c
A5 size Glossary
’96/01/09 DR, pass 1
2 Glossary