ASCII Dec. Hex. Description
ESC B nn 66 42 Set Vertical Tabs
Up to 16 tabs; last n should be 0
VT 11 0B Tab Vertically
ESC J n 74 4A Perform n/180-inch Line Feed
Font selectionASCII Dec. Hex. Description
ESC k n107 6B Select Typeface
n = 0: Roman 7: Orator
1: Sans Serif 8: Orator-S
2: Courier 9: Script C
3: Prestige 10: Roman T
4: Script 11: Sans S erif H
5: OCR-B
ESC X m nn 88 58 Select Font by Pitch and Point
ESC X m n1 n2
m: Set pitch to 360/m cpi
m = 0 : No change in pitch
m = 1 : Select proportional
m = 0, 1, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60,
or 72
n: Set point size in 0.5 points
Total points = (n1 + n2 × 256) × 0.5
n = 0 : No change in point
n = 0, 16, 20, 21, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 , 42,
44, 48, 52, 56, 60, or 64
(for Roman, Sans Serif, Roman T,
and Sans Serif H)
n = 0, 21, 42 (for other typefaces)
Sunflow er-P
A5 size Appendix
01/09/96 pass 2