Using Commands
Sending printer commands
Most actions your printer performs are controlled by your software.
Software commands instruct the printer to print in a particular typeface,
feed the paper a certain amount after printing each line, start prin ting on
a particular place on the page, and so on. The commands your printer
recognizes are listed in this command summary.
Some software programs let you send these commands yourself. How
you format commands depends on the software you are using. So m e
software programs accept only the decimal forma t, w hile others let you
type in ASCII characters. (Some program s d o n’ t let you insert printer
commands at all.) In addition, your software probabl y specifies certain
punctuation you must use to enter the command. The software manual
should explain the required format and punctuation.
Using the command summary
The following section lists and describes all the commands by topic. If a
command has no parameters, it is merely listed. If it has parameters, they
are explained. The parameters are indicated by lowercase italicized letters,
usually n. The examples below show how the parameters are indica te d.
ESC @ is a command with no parameters.
ESC U 1/0 is a command that uses 1 to turn the feature on and 0 to tu rn
it off.
ESC K n1 n2 is a command with two parameters.
ESC D nn is a command with a variable number of parameters.
For further information about using printer comman d s, see th e
comprehensive ESC/P Reference Manual published by EPSON .
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