Postcards*: both front and rear entry
Width: 105 to 148 mm (4.13 to 5.83 inches)
Length: Front: 148 mm (5.83 inches)
Rear: 105 to 148 mm (4.13 to 5.83 inches)
Thickness: 0.22 mm (0.0087 inches)
Weight: 192 g/m2 (51 lb)
*Use under normal operating condit ions.
Continuous paper
(single sheet and multipart):front, rear, and bottom entry
Width: 101 to 406 mm (4 to 16 inches)
Length: 101 to 559 mm (4 to 22 inches)
Copies: 1 original + 4 copies
Thickness: 0.065 to 0.39 mm (0.0025 to 0.015 inch)
(not multipart): 52.3 to 82 g/m2 (14 to 22 lb)
(one sheet of multipart): 40 to 58 g/m2 (12 to 15 lb)
Jointing: Point glue or paper staple (both sides)
A5 size Appendix
02/05/96 pass 2
Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables A-5