ASCII Dec. Hex. Description
ESC c n1 n2 99 63 Set Horizontal Motion Index
(HMI) Change Pitch in n/360-inch
Total units = n1 + n2 × 256
ESC SP n32 20 Set Intercharacter Space
n = number of units of space added to
the space between characters
Units are 1/120 inch (draft) and
1/180 inch (LQ and proportional)
ESC ( U nn 40 85 28 55 Define Unit
ESC ( U 1 0 n
Define positio ning unit as n/3600 inch
n = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60
n = 10; default
ASCII Dec. Hex. Description
ESC . nn 46 2E Print Raster Graphics
ESC . c v h m n1 n2 data
c = 0: Full graphics mode
1: Compressed mode
v = 10, 20: Dot density for vertical in
3600/v DPI
h = 10, 20: Dot density for horizontal
in 3600/h DPI
m: Number of vertical dots
Total dots = n1 + n2 × 256
ESC ( G nn 40 71 28 47 Select Graphics Mode
ESC ( G 1 0 n
n = 1, or 49
A5 size Appendix
02/05/96 pass 2

Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables A-27